What is a "healing system"?
The systems in which we live and work, such as health care and education, can greatly influence people's lives. As such, systems are responsible for positively impacting the individuals and communities they serve. However, many systems can (and often, do) cause harm to individuals and communities, especially marginalized communities.
Systems that are healing work to support positive health and well-being.
To become a healing system, an organization must put forth time, resources, and commitment to:
-Assess their current policies and practices with a trauma-informed lens
-Educate themselves and their workforce
-Make continuous quality improvement efforts to their organizational policies and procedures
Use our resources section to learn more about how to implement these changes at your organization.
Our Work
Behavioral Health Service Systems
such as Maryland Local Behavioral Health Authorities and Behavioral Health Provider Organizations,
Such as community organizations and members of the community
Leadership members from the Maryland Department of Health and members of the Maryland State Commission on Trauma Informed Care
Specifically the University of Maryland School of Medicine and Bowie State University
Assessment through the use of the Healing Systems Trauma-Informed Organizational Assessment, to assess organizations' policies and practices.
Resources to assist organizations in making changes to align with trauma-informed practices.
Training to educate the behavioral health workforce on topics relevant to Trauma-informed work.
Technical Assistance to help organizations establish goals and accomplish action steps on their journey to becoming trauma-informed.
Increasing understanding of trauma, adversity, and trauma-informed care practices.
Improving systems and the services that they provide.
Promoting better health and well-being for everyone.
Promote healing for all people served through the Maryland Public Behavioral Health System by fostering antiracist/anti-oppressive Trauma-Informed, Resilience-Oriented, & Equitable Care and Culture.
We provide resources, assessment, training, and technical assistance to people working in behavioral health service systems to help them transform their organizations to align with best practices in Trauma-Informed, Resilience-Oriented, and Equitable Care and Culture.
The Maryland Way Framework
The Maryland Way framework for Trauma-Informed, Resilience-Oriented, and Equitable (TIROE) care and culture guides the Healing Systems team's work.
To learn more about this framework and its accompanying principles and implementation domains, access this report by the Maryland Trauma Informed Care Commission.
Check out this graphic to learn more about each principle!
Maryland State Trauma Informed Care Priniciples
Cultural, Historical, & Gender Concerns
Social Justice
Empowerment, Voice, & Choice
Collaboration &
Inclusion of the Voice of Lived Experience
Trustworthiness &
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